
John moved to Stoneville town knowing full well that it is a small town and everyone knows everyone's business. That was his requirement. He knew he could not be welcomed with open arms. He would have to earn their trust. And he was prepared for it. He wanted in on the intricacies of small town. He wanted to become a small towner. He had his own reasons for it.

During the initial days of his moving, Stoneville viewed him with suspicious eyes. He was not used to wishing everyone 'Hello' or 'Good Day! How are you?' everytime he stepped out, but he soon got used to it. Even if no one initiated a wish, he made sure he wished everyone he saw whenever he went out, ensured that he helped the old people cross the road or with their groceries and lead a hand every time he saw anyone who needed help.

Gradually, he broke the ice barrier and made some friends. Although he made sure everyone knew he was in town only for a short while, he went out of the way to find out what people around him liked and disliked, their habits, their food preference, etc. Mr. Pierce next door to him liked to mow his lawn every morning, and loved company when he did. Mrs. Landsnow, who lived across his house loved making pies and also had a guilty pleasure of cookies which John used to get for her in secret. He adapted his life to the people around him and got himself used to the workings of the town. It was with a heavy heart that the town bid goodbye to John when it was time for him to move on.

When Rebecca moved into the house that John had vacated, the town realized that she would be very different from John. The very fact that she did not venture out of her house and on the off days that she came out, she did not speak to anyone except smiling was the main cause of people wondering about her. It took Rebecca some time to come out of her shell and talk to people. She did all the things that John did before her, and did it with the same amount of kindness and respect that John had for them. The old silent treatment forgotten, the town accepted Rebecca as one of them very soon after this. Rebecca was here to stay now.

It was only at night when Rebecca was safely home and about to tuck in that John would emerge. He knew it would only be a few more days before he gets completely comfortable in his new skin and stop coming back. The surgery was successful. The hormone shots took some time for his voice to completely transform and that required him to go silent for a few days till the hormones finished their task. Now the shots were over and the medications were done. It was time for him to completely become her and settle down in her new life. She had chosen well. Stoneville suited Rebecca now.